Page 41 - Learn English
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            event. We can get together to watch football or tennis matches then talk about them. Regarding our current events, 6_______________ alternate the book club with a film club. Every other month we could meet to watch and discuss an English language film.
We should 7____________________ these suggestions as soon as possible in order to increase interest in English Conversation Club. We should also 8__________________ the supper club, as it is one of our more successful evenings. Taking these points into consideration, I am certain we will be successful in attracting new members.
 3. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
• Have you ever been on a language exchange programme or would you like to go on a language exchange programme?
• If you were asked to organise a farewell party for exchange students, what kind of party would it be?
 To: Mr. Watsons
From: Julie Guardians
Subject: Language exchange farewell party proposal Date: 10th December
As requested, I am handing in the following proposal on ideas for a farewell party for students on the Form 5 language exchange programme.
Date and Venue
• The exchange students return to France on 20th December. Therefore, I propose that we hold the party on 17th December. This will ensure that the celebration takes place at the end of their visit, but leaves time to pack and also fit in another trip or activity before they leave.
• I strongly recommend using our school’s facilities rather than hiring an outside venue to save on costs. We could use the school’s hall. This would give us loads of space.

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