Page 42 - Learn English
P. 42

• I suggest that we use the colours of our countries’ flags for the theme. The party guests could dress in red, white, blue or yellow or blue, white, and red. This would be an easy theme for everyone to follow and would also represent our experience.
• If each student brought a dish, this would provide plenty of food for everyone and again keep our costs down. Hiring outside catering would be very expensive. We
• could coordinate carefully and make sure we have starters, main courses and desserts. We could also request that students bring something to drink, and then use the budget to provide plates, glasses, and cutlery.
• Taking all these suggestions into consideration, I strongly believe we can organise a brilliant farewell party while still keeping costs low.
             2. Read the proposal for a farewell party. Does the writer mention any of your ideas in exercise 1?
 3. You are going to write a proposal for an international food festival. Think about:
• time, date, and venue
• organisation – who will set up, clear up, decorate the venue, etc?
• special guests to give a presentation, etc
4. Write a proposal for the international food festival.
• Use the farewell party proposal as a model.
• Use your notes in exercise 3 and plan the below.
Paragraph 1 – introduce the topic of the proposal.
Paragraphs 2/3/4 – describe your ideas for the festival. Use headings and bullet points where necessary.
Paragraph 5 – conclude and summarise your ideas.
• Remember to use formal register. 5. Check and correct your proposal.
• Check that you have included all the important points.
• In pairs, swap your proposals and check each other’s work. =

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