Page 12 - IAV Digital Magazine #570
P. 12

iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
A second ship- ment was inter- cepted just days later in the mail, leading the total intercepted amount of the candy snack to be roughly 650 pounds worth.
Smuggling the candy in prevents shoppers from having to pay Israel's mandatory taxes, which makes the gov- ernment and mer- chants miss out on valuable cash had the candy not been sold through the black market.
There's been a surge of demand for Fruit Roll-ups thanks to TikTok, according to
the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, which has led to a sky- rocketing price increase for those looking to pur-
chase a box, no matter where you live.
The craze has become so appar- ent that the Health Ministry of Israel released a statement in light of the Fruit Roll- Ups hype.
"Glucose, corn syrup and dry corn syrup are all sugar — a lot of different types of sugar," the state- ment said. "Sugar consumption has been found to be associated with weight gain. A variety of related diseases are attributed to sugar consumption such as cardiovascular diseases, hyper- tension, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, dental caries and more."
Emily Rella
On TikTok, all it takes is one viral video or trend to make a product sell out at an exponential rate.
And while this is good news for some retailers looking to make a
it can have an adverse effect on companies in smaller markets that quickly run out of items with- out being able to immediately restock.
This has been the case for Fruit Roll-Ups, the
sweet snack that recently went viral on TikTok after users started a trend of taking a scoop of mango sorbet (or another ice cream) and placing it inside a roll-up, which quickly (and sur- prisingly) hardens to become
Last week, a local news outlet in Israel reported that two Americans were caught smuggling over four suitcas- es full of Fruit Roll-Ups, nearly 375 pounds of the candy total.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Why Americans Are Smuggling Fruit Roll-Ups Into Israel

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