Page 15 - iAV Digital Edition #398
P. 15

The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
ManThrowsDogPooinTina Fey'sDaughter'sStroller
TINA Fey was furi- ous when a man threw dog faeces in her daughter's stroller.
The 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot' actress - who has kids Alice, 10, and Penelope, four, with husband Jeff Richmond - admits she sees "crazy" things in New York City "all the time" but nothing more bizarre as when someone used her baby carriage as a bin.
Asked about New Yorkers' strange behaviors, Tina told the New York Daily News newspaper's Confidenti@l column: "All the time! Once a guy put dog s**t on my kid's stroller. That was crazy.
"[The stroller] was parked and I saw him throw trash in my stroller and I was like, 'Hey what are you doing throwing trash in my stroller?'
"And I picked it up and it was a paper towel full of dog s**t and I was like, 'Hey!' " It could be that the man knew the 45-year-old star doesn't par- ticularly like ani- mals and never knows how to react when shown pictures of people's beloved pets.
She wrote in her 2011 book 'Bossypants': "I have no affinity for animals.
"When a cowork-
er shows me cute pictures of her dog,
I struggle to respond cor- rectly, like an autistic person who has been taught to recognize human emotions from flash cards."
lOST & FOUnd
Found: Umbrella in Palmdale. Call to identify • 273-8369400
reD & Green FArM
Filipino & Asian Market Fresh Seafoods, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Cooked Foods To Go Order your fish. We’ll clean & fry it 44164 10th West Lancaster 661-945-4245
99¢ STop pluS
Gifts, Party Supplies, Tools & Cleaning Supplies, School Supplies, Comforters & Beddings. All Credit Cards Accepted, Accept “Pay U Bill” 20354 Highway 202 Tehachapi 661-823-8620
SierrA liQuor & jr MArkeT Check Cashing, Money Order, Liquor & Beer, Fine Wine, Cigarettes, Lotto Low Prices 42145 Sierra Hwy Lancaster 661-948-3778
MojAVe liQuor
Beer • Wine • Liquor • Money Order • ATM • Groceries, We accept Credit Cards & Food Stamps 15600 Sierra hwy Mojave 661-824-2721
ChAVez pArTy SupplieS Everything you need for all your parties & Special Occassions at Discount Prices. Renta de jumpers, Sillas y mesas, Helium. Globos para toda ocasion Se Habla Espanol 838 E. Ave Q6 Palmdale 661-274-0557 Cell: 213-948-3002
eliSA’S VArieTy STore & 99¢ MeChAnDiSe uhAul renTAl 2641 Diamond St Rosamond STore: 661-256-1074 uhAul: 661-256-2847
AV DiSCounT STore & GenerAl MeChAnDiSe. 99¢ & More 44262 10th Street West Bet. Ave. K & Ave. J Lancaster
el noVillo CArniCeriA MArkeT
Fine Meats & Produce Cambiamos cheques de tra- bajo. Aceptamos Food Stamps 8714 East Ave T Litllerock 944-9639 944-9079 - Fax
B&k MArkeT
Beer, Wine, Lotto, Snacks, ATM, Groceries 2515 Center St. Rosamond
ToWn & CounTry MArkeT Gas • Service deli • Snacks 13012 Pearblossom Hwy 944-4136 • 944-4137
FArMer’S MArkeT
Since 1947
The Finest in Fresh Fruits & Vegetables open 7 days 8202 Pearblossom Hwy. Littlerock (661)944-1364
Ben’S Corner
Fresh Produce, Fresh Meat Wholesale & Retail Wholesale delivery Service 710 West Ave. L Lancaster (661)942-4509
piCCADilly CirCle 7 Mini MArT Groceries, snacks & coffee, beer & wine, Lotto & others 42124 N. 50th St., W Quartz Hill (661) 722-9211
jeT FooD & liQuor
Lotto • Beer • Liquor • Snacks • Groceries 43535 Gadsden Ave. • Lancaster (661)949-0107
Drive electric patient lift, 450lbs capacity • 925-209- 4657402
3 Wheel GoGo mobility scooter, 2 batteries, like new $550 • 947-8407397
New bedside portable toilet for handicap/ disabled $50 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm364
Toilet lift ring/doughnut. Adjustable, ready now $22 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm363
Rolling walkers for disabled or elderly. Folds up. No brakes or seat. $25, great cond • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only354
Pair of used cruthes. Good cond. Adjustable 5’10”-6’6” height $16 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only354
Photo album supplies, make offer • 943-6071401
Electric massager • 974- 3380400
5) 100ft heavy duty electri- cal cords $50ea • 943-6071398
Joshua cemetery lot, Lancaster. Double depth

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