Page 18 - IAV Digital Magazine #463
P. 18
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Man ‘Disturbed' By Penis Straws, Novelty Rubber Breasts And ‘Willy Boppers' On Sale at Poundland
A man has described his horror after spot- ting 'seedy' stag and hen party parapher- nalia on display in a pound store.
Daniel Sidderley, 36, was shocked when he noticed the rude products on the shelves of Poundland in Stockport at the weekend.
The operations man- ager said bundles of penis straws, novelty rubber breasts and 'willy boppers' were displayed among everyday items such as birthday cards.
Daniel, from Heaton Chapel, said he saw some parents shield- ing their children's eyes as they walked past.
"I was disturbed by what was on display," said Daniel.
"I would describe some of it as porno- graphic material and
it was all accessible for children to see.
"It was mostly stag and hen party para- phernalia. There were erect penis straws, blow up sheep and headbands with penises on springs.
"It was the kind of thing you'd expect to see on a specialist ebay site or relegated to a seedy back street shop.
"I just couldn't believe
it was displayed among all the other stock and not more hidden at the back or somewhere high up.
"Some unsupervised children were looking at it while other par- ents were shielding their kids' eyes as they walked past."
Daniel, who was shopping with his young niece and nephew, said he complained to a member of staff while
he was in the store but was told it was the manager's day off.
"The supervisor gave me an old receipt for a ham sandwich with the web address cir- cled with blue ink," added Daniel.
"I was told: 'If you have a complaint you can contact customer services. You’ll find the contact details on the website.' "
Daniel did receive a response to his com- plaint from the cus- tomer relations team at Poundland on Monday.
An email sent to Daniel said: "While we know some of the items in our stag and hen party range won't be to everyone's taste, they sell extremely well and the majority of cus- tomers appreciate the tongue-in-cheek humor."
A spokesperson for Poundland said: "While we know some of the items in our stag and hen party range won’t be to everyone’s taste, they sell extremely well and the majority of customers appreci- ate the tongue-in- cheek humor. Sadly, it’s hard not offend someone these days, but we appreciate the feedback."
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine