Page 19 - IAV Digital Magazine #468
P. 19

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Family Members Say Man Set Fire To Home After Argument Over Cheez-Its
Atlanta) - The family of an arson suspect said a bizarre argument led to the house fire.
Firefighters were called out to a home on Creekford Drive, just north of Covington Highway, early Tuesday morn-
ing. Family members said a man set fire to his mother’s house after they got into an argu- ment over a box of Cheez-Its.
The woman's son said his brother poured gasoline on the stairs and start- ed the fire, trap- ping him and his mother inside. Luckily, they
were able to get out safely.
Investigators said they have filed arson charges against the brother.
It was not imme- diately clear how much dam- age was done to the home.
His name has not yet been released
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For Sale
One Acre, Commercial Property with 5000sqft Block Building, Fenced Mojave, CA
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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine

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