Page 19 - IAV Digital Magazine #609
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Martial Artist Dons Blindfold, Smashes Coconuts Around Another Man's Body
By Ben Hooper
Dec. 30 (UPI) -
- An India-based martial arts collec- tive captured a dangerous Guinness World Records title when one mem- ber donned a blindfold and used a sledgehammer to smash coconuts arranged around another member's body.
The Bir Khalsa martial arts group took on the title
for the most coconuts smashed around a person blind- folded in one minute on the set of Italian TV series Lo Show Dei Record in Milan.
The blindfolded martial artist man- aged to smash 69 coconuts in one minute without injuring his team- mate.
The total
bested the previ- ous record
by Rakesh B and Prabhakar Reddy P, who ended their attempt with 50 smashed coconuts in 2020.
The Bir Khalsa collective hold numerous world records, includ- ing the recently- announced title for the most slices of a cucumber held in a person's mouth with a chainsaw while blindfolded in one minute.
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