Page 18 - IAV Digital Magazine #576
P. 18

iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
On August 19, 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed Proclamation 5847 declaring August 21st as National Senior Citizens Day. Let’s take the opportunity to show our appreci- ation for the dedica- tion, accomplish- ments, and services senior citizens have given us throughout their lives.
August 21 is National Senior Citizens Day on the National Day Calendar to recog- nize the achieve- ments of the more mature representa- tives of our nation. The day provides an opportunity to show our appreciation for their dedication, accomplishments,
and services they give throughout their lives.
According to the 2017 census, 47 million seniors live in the United States. By 2060, that num- ber will nearly dou- ble. Their wealth of knowledge, skill, and experience offer so much to the next generation. As tech- nologies advance, these are the peo- ple who’ve experi- enced each step of change. Not only have they con- tributed to it, but they understand first hand the benefits and the drawbacks. They know life with- out the advancements that exist today.
Our senior citizens
are pioneers of science, medicine, psychology, civil rights and so much more. Their valuable contributions to our communities create better places to live. They deserve the respect and dignity their achievements earn them. The day encourages supporting senior citizens to live their lives to the fullest and as independ- ently as possible.
1. Spend time with the senior citizens you know. Let them know they are appreciated and loved.
2. Today is a good day to volunteer at a retirement home. Share your smile with those who may not otherwise get a visitor today.
3. If you are a senior citizen, check for special discounts and promotions that may be offered at stores and restaurants in your area.
4. Talk to a senior citizen and learn about their life. Let them share their life story with you. You might be surprised on what you learn about them.
5. Use #SeniorCitizensDay to post on social media.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine

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