Page 19 - IAV Digital Magazine #576
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Spider Capable of Causing Permanent Erections Shuts Down Entire Supermarket
By Madeline Fitzgerald
An Austrian supermarket has been temporarily shut down after one of the world's most dangerous spiders was dis- covered in a box of bananas.
The Brazilian Wandering Spider, which potentially roamed the aisles of a supermarket owned by the Rewe Retail Group in a town 45 miles west of Vienna, was spot- ted, according to the Daily Mail.
A bizarre side effect of this spi- der's bites is its ability to cause
painful, hours- long erections. The impact is so dramatic that some scientists have studied the arachnid as part of research for impotence treat- ments like Viagra.
"The erection is a side effect that everybody who gets stung by this spider will experi- ence along with the pain and dis- comfort," researcher Romulo Leite
told Live Science.
In addition to causing erections, Brazilian Wandering Spider bites can cause an array of other dangerous symp-
toms. Within just 30 minutes of being bitten, vic- tims can experi- ence rapid changes in blood pressure and heart rate, blurred vision, and con- vulsions, accord- ing to the outlet.
A store manager discovered the spider while inspecting a ship- ment of fruit on Tuesday, accord- ing to the
Austrian newspa- per Niederösterrei chische Nachrichten.
By the time the manager was able to contact the fire department, the spider had van- ished. Since then, the arachnid has remained out of sight.
"Despite an extensive search, no spiders have been found to date," officials told the Austrian paper.
The store will remain closed until it has been thoroughly cleaned and all contaminated pro- duce removed.
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