Page 8 - New Home Pricing Guide
P. 8

Post & Beam Deluxe

               Superior Lumber: All framing lumber including roof joists,     13.  #15 Roofi ng felt with ice and water
               fl oor joists, wall studs and strapping is premium-quality       shield for eaves and valleys
               export grade, selected for appearance, straightness          14.  Continuous ridge venting
               and strength.
            1.  Energy-effi cient, brand name vinyl windows with low-E,      15.  3/4” Plywood subfl oor
               argon glass and stain grade wood jamb extensions             16.  2x10 SPF fl oor joists (all fl oors)
            2.  Energy-effi cient, brand name textured fi berglass            17.  2x6 SPF studs at 16” on center
               insulated exterior doors with metal clad wood jambs          18.  Brand name building wrap
            3.  Western Red Cedar 1x6 channel siding, or other              19.  1/2” Plywood sheathing
               low-maintenance siding options                               20.  Borate treated sill plate
            4.  Western Red Cedar exterior 1x4 window, door and corner      21.  Optional cedar or pine ceiling
               trim, or other low-maintenance siding options                   and wall liner for interior
            5.  Western Red Cedar 1x8 and 2-1x8 fascia boards;
               Western Red Cedar triple 1x8 fascia boards are featured
               where roof beams extend to fascia                                     14      7
            6.  Western Red Cedar 1x6 T&G soffi t
            7.  Brand name fi berglass roofi ng shingles with lifetime                               13
               limited warranty                                                                      12
            8.  Glu-lam ridge beam where indicated on plans                  8
            9.  Multiple spaced glu-lam purlin beams where                                      11
               indicated on plans
           10.  2x15 solid wood Douglas Fir roof joists at 24” on center                 21
           11.  2x4 SPF cross ventilation strapping at 24” on center                9           10
           12.  1/2” Plywood sheathing with ‘H’ clips;
              Metal valley and roof fl ashing
                                                                                  16                         3




             POST & BEAM DELUXE: This home package specifi cation includes full custom concept design, construction
             plans, technical support, and all the materials required to build the structure of your home to the lock-up stage.
             All materials supplied are premium quality products. Many fi nishing products are premium Western Red Cedar.
             All  products  are  carefully  selected  to  give  a  full  range  of  distinctive  exterior  and  interior  looks.  They  include
             exposed Douglas fi r glu-lam beams and hi-line export grade framing lumber, together with an extensive choice
                                     of energy-effi cient windows, siding and roofi ng products.

                      1-888-546-9663 •
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