Page 6 - New Home Pricing Guide
P. 6

HI-LINE FRAMING                                                                              PREMIUM PLYWOOD

  LUMBER                                                                                        Half-inch sheathing allows direct application of siding and

  Saves money on construction labor with less waste and better,  roofing materials. Full three-quarter inch tongue and groove

  finished results (such as dry-walling painting, installation of                              plywood allows for direct application of flooring.
  cabinetry and trim).                                                                         ROOFING & FLOOR

  Manufactured by Linwood to the highest possible
                                                                                               Solid lumber permits maximum design flexibility, provides
  specifications. Our product is 20% thicker, easier to install, has                           easier installation, efficient roof venting and the highest

  more coverage and better appearance. (Maintenance-free
                                                                                               possible insulation values. (Optional engineered wood floor
  siding options are also available.)
                                                                                               systems are available.)
  BRAND NAME                                                                                   FASCIA, SOFFIT & TRIM

  WINDOWS & DOORS                                                                              Top-quality cedar triple fascia and soffit give more protection

  Meets Linwood standards for performance and appearance.                                      and better appearance. Trim is supplied for all sides of the

  Available in metal-clad wood, wood, fiberglass and vinyl. Has                                house.
  the highest energy-efficiency rating. A full range of shapes and                             ROOFING MATERIALS

  sizes are available. We offer outstanding warranties.
                                                                                               We offer 30-year fiberglass shingles in many colors. Complete

  EXPOSED TIMBERS                                                                              with roofing paper, ice and water shield, venting and full metal

  Gives a true vaulted interior. Douglas fir gives                                             flashing in a choice of colors. Multiple upgrade options are

  greater structural strength, better appearance,                                              available.

  matching                                                                                     WIDE SELECTION
  sizes, and is sealed for maximum protection.                                                  Many product options are available to give you everything you

  Engineered hardware is included.                                                             need to build a true custom home.
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