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In 1953 there were four traffic lights in Las Vegas and three    If you are fortunate to have a table/chute that stays
          casinos.  Today there are 132 casinos and too many traffic       at a dairy, always remember to periodically clean and
          lights to count.  The stakes at the card and dice tables have    disinfect it thoroughly.  NEVER bring outside
          increased in proportions similar to the risks on dairy farms.    animals to this table even with the owner’s consent.
          Traffic to and from today’s dairy farms has increased just like
                                                                           If you pull a table/chute with a truck, when you
          in Las Vegas. Professional hoof trimmers are an integral part
                                                                           arrive at the farm unhook it from your vehicle in the
          of this much-needed traffic. You’ like al support people to the
                                                                           driveway and have the dairy producer move it to your
          dairy, must know and exercise every aspect of biosecurity
                                                                           designated work area with a vehicle from the farm.
                                                                           Salmonella is an even more acutely devasting disease
          Biosecurity Principles To Practice                               than Johne’s and can easily be carried on the tires and
                                                                           vehicle undercarriage. If you have a truck-mounted
          From my 30 years of dairy veterinary practice I have learned
                                                                           table be sure to clean and disinfect as best as possible
          and modified the following six biosecurity principles, which
                                                                           the tires and undercarriage of your vehicle.
          are the most applicable to the professional hoof trimmer of
          the next millennium.                                             If you must drive your vehicle and equipment to your
                                                                           designated work area be certain not to drive down
             1   Possess and use vigorously the pail, brush and
                                                                           feed alleys or near feed storage areas.  Just as the GLF
                 disinfectant soap. Washing dirty boots must take
                                                                           sign of the 1950s said, “DO NOT WALK IN
                 minutes of hard, strong scrubbing and include the
                                                                           FRONT OF THESE COWS”, you should never
                 bottom of the boot. Do this every time you leave a
                                                                           drive down a feed alley. Change the location of your
                 dairy.  Assumptions are devastating.  Nobody knows
                                                                           work area if necessary and do anything and
                 that you are going home to shower and clean up.
                                                                           everything to avoid feed and feeding areas.
                 Perhaps they will assume you are visiting another
                 dairy yet that day.  The pail, brush and disinfectant   3  Stay in the designated work area assigned to you. It is
                 soap will impress herdspersons and owners more than       far safer to have the herdsperson responsible, rather
                 the newest, best grinder, knife or trimmer you            than you, bring the cows that need trimming to this
                 introduce.                                                area. Also, everyone likes company and if you have
                                                                           children or friends with you or visit you while you are
             2   Between dairy farms, clean physically down to the
                                                                           working NEVER allow them to wander about the
                 metal, wood or rubber and disinfect the table/chute,
                                                                           dairy. There are bulls everywhere lately and all too
                 trimmers, knives and other tools involved. Cleaning
                                                                           often there are cows that object to strangers as much
                 must involve physically scraping away all foreign
                                                                           as any bull. Plus size 5 boots can carry infective
                 material, properly applying a disinfectant and
                                                                           organisms about a dairy as effectively as our size 12
                 allowing proper contact time. Remember no chemical
                 works in organic matter. Physically clean surfaces
                 before expecting anything to disinfect. There are no      In addition, you should never have pets with you
                 shortcuts and definitely no vaccines or injections to     while trimming.  This is a most difficult warning to
                 replace cleanliness and common sense.                     accept, but I must emphasize it.  Leptospirosis is a
                                                                           long-known bacterial disease that pets can carry and
                 The New York Cattle Health Assurance Program
                                                                           spread by their urine. Neospora caninum is a recently
                 veterinarians are working very hard to control and
                                                                           defined infection that dogs carry and it will cause
                 someday eradicate Johne’s disease. An introductory
                                                                           abortion in dairy cattle. Simply carrying manure on
                 premise they proclaim is one teaspoon of manure
                                                                           their feet down the feed alley or moving a discarded
                 from a heavily shedding cow infected with
                                                                           fetus or placenta around a dairy will cause any
                 Mycobaterium paratubercucosis will contain one
                                                                           herdsperson much dismay. My dog has never been on
                 billion infective organisms. 1 teaspoon = 1 billion.
                                                                           a farm visit with me for all the reasons described
                 How many teaspoons of manure are on your
                                                                           here.  Dairy producers may allow their companion
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