P. 37

Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations

                S. N.                           Documents / Information
                 1.   Write up about the industry and the product under consideration against which
                     dumping is alleged
                 2.   HS Codes for the alleged dumped products in the application
                 3.   A background on any previous trade remedy investigations
                 4.   Total Indian production of the product
                 5.   Letters of Support with required information in Annex-I, Annex-II and
                     Annex-III as prescribed vide Trade Notice No. 13/2018 dated 27  September 2018.
                 6.   Installed capacity of PUC with supporting documents like the Pollution Control Board
                 7.   Total Demand in India along with sales details of PUC by the applicant(s)
                 8.   Transaction wise Import data (import volume and value) obtained from DGCI&S after
                     due authorization from DGTR in terms of Trade Notice 7/2018 dated 15.3.2018 and
                     the summary of the same for each of the subject country
                 9.   The calculation and methodology for NEP
                10.  Direct evidence of domestic selling price in the exporting country, if available
                11.  In case direct evidence is not available, reasonable other evidence of the prevailing
                     selling price in the exporting country
                12.  In case of non-availability of the domestic selling price in the country of export, then
                     Constructed Normal Value be provided along with the methodology for the calculations
                13.  The detailed reasons in case of his claim that any of the exporting country is alleged to
                     be operating in non-market conditions
                14.  Soft copy of the application along with excel working sheets (As detailed in paragraph
                15.  The costing formats – NIP/ Capital Employed Calculations along with soft copy of excel
                     sheets as detailed below in para 2.19.
                16.  Audited financial statements and cost audit reports of the injury period including POI
                17.  In case of new units not having completed four years since the commencement of
                     commercial production – The project report or any other similar document submitted
                     to the Government agency
                18.  In case of SSR - Additional information regarding likelihood and recurrence as pre-
                     scribed vide Trade Notice No. 02/2017 dated 12  December 2017.
                19.  In case of NSR – Application in the format prescribed vide Trade Notice No. 08/2018
                     dated 25.4.2018
                20.  In the case of MTR - Additional information to be submitted in terms of Rule 23(1A)
                21.  Confirmation from the applicants/consultants that the complete cost data for all the
                     units of the DI manufacturing or selling PUC has been furnished in the application. In
                     other words, no unit manufacturing or selling PUC has been left out.
                22.  Confirmation from the company/consultants that no amount of expense disallowed
                     under Annexure-III has been considered in the cost computations.

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