Page 22 - Trade Remedial Measures FAQ
P. 22

Q.25. If an application seeking imposition of anti-dumping duty or safeguard duty
          is rejected, can a fresh application be filed immediately? If not, then after how
          many days can a fresh application be filed?

          Ans. There is no prohibition under WTO Agreement or Indian Rules for a domestic
          industry to file application immediately after the previous application has been rejected
          without  initiation  of  investigation.  Similarly,  if  the  investigation  was  initiated,  but
          terminated without recommending any measures; a fresh application can be filed without
          any time gap, though WTO member countries believe that there should be some “cooling
          period” before a fresh application can be accepted. However, in practice, there is likely to
          be gap of about 12 months before a fresh application is filed due to the time taken in
          obtaining fresh import data and completion of various processes required in filing a duly
          documented application as per extant Rules and Trade Notices.

          Q.26. Where are the duty notifications issued by the Department of Revenue

          Ans. These are available on the website of CBIC at

          Q.27. What all informations are available on the website of DGTR?

          Ans. The following information is available on the website of DGTR:
          •   Ongoing and concluded investigations
          •   Application Proforma
          •   Questionnaires

          •   Trade Notices
          •   Compendium of laws and rules related to trade remedial measures etc.

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