Page 31 - WHO
P. 31

The overall objective:

         Enhance collec�ve immunity of target children against polio virus and maintain polio free
         status of Sudan.

         Specific objec�ves:

         •Vaccinate more than 95% of children 0-59 months with bOPV vaccine in all targeted locali�es

         •Increase sensi�vity of AFP surveillance system through ac�ve search during the SIAs.

         •Increase awareness of families and communi�es about other scheduled vaccines in rou�ne
         immuniza�on program

         Campaign prepara�ons and implementa�on:

         The prepara�ons for November 2018 SNIDs round included:

         Upda�ng the state micro-plans:

         Updated  SNIDs  planning  guidelines  were  developed  by  the  Federal  EPI  and  distributed  to
         states. Each state conducted several mee�ngs with the locality staff to update their micro-plan
         based on lesson learned from pervious SIAs.

         Each state compiled the locality micro-plans into the state plan, which was submi�ed to the
         Federal EPI unit for review and funding. The required fund was provided by GPEI through WHO
         and UNICEF.


         Vaccines, ice packs and blocks, tally sheets, monitoring forms, aprons, were distributed accord-
         ing to the states’ plans in good �me ahead of the campaign.

         In each locality, supply centers headed by EPI technical officers were established. Each center
         is responsible for the vaccine and other logis�cs distribu�on and also the collec�on of the filled
         tally sheets. The EPI technical officers review the summary forms that are prepared by the
         team leaders and submit the results to the opera�on room to be discussed in the evening
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