Page 29 - Whispering Squiirrels
P. 29
This is the page about the Mad Squirrel. Read Cosmos’s commentary and ask the following.
Your questions are in normal font and the answers you want from your child are in italics.
Ask your children the questions on each page... they should respond correctly to the questions asking for information from the fable. For the other questions, realistic consequences and sample “Good Thinking” answers are illustrated.
1. What do you think Mad Squirrel might have been thinking, his “B” ?
This was not fair! Those two are talking bad about me or making fun of me and I am going to do something to make them sorry!
2. How was he feeling, his “C” emotions? Mad, angry etc.
3. How did he do, his “C” behavior?
Let them give examples from the story.
4. Was this a good or smart way for him to behave? No.