Page 30 - Whispering Squiirrels
P. 30
This is the page about the Sad Squirrel. Read Cosmos’s commentary and ask the following.
Your questions are in normal font and the answers you want from your child are in italics.
1. Who would like to tell us what Sad Squirrel might have been thinking?Let them come up with “Sadness cognitions”...I must look stupid,
They hate me...etc.
2. How was he feeling? Were his emotions OK or Not OK?
Embarrassed, ashamed, etc. They were Not OK .
3. What did this boy do when he made himself very scared? Was that Thumbs up or Thumbs Down behavior?
Let them describe what happen with Sad Squirrel. Thumbs Down behavior.
4. What happen to him?
He was sad all day.