Page 4 - Whispering Squiirrels
P. 4

Hello dear reader, Cosmos Crow here. I will be taking you with me on several trips to far away lands, magical kingdoms and your own backyard. These trips will be amusing, fun and educational. Hopefully, you will learn how to deal with situations in your life a little better by observing what I have observed in others.
In this story, I want to take you to a wooded area not far from my main nest. I do travel a lot but this is where I spend the better part of four months each year. Anyway, this story is interesting in that you will learn a lot about “Why We Do What We Do.” You will learn how we all are very similar in our ways of thinking and how we all seem to do dumb things. The good thing is that none of us have to keep doing dumb things. Once we learn certain lessons, we can stop this behavior and help others not to do dumb things. Now, let’s start by me telling you the Whispering Squirrel Story.
It all happened one afternoon in the Spring. I was sitting on a branch high in a tree that was used by all the neighborhood squirrels as their “play ground.” Squirrels are very social and usually try to get along with each other. But on this day, I noticed some of them acting much like I have seen you humans act and that is why I am telling you this story.
As you may already know, we animals act most of the time much better than do you humans. Your lives are so easy that you can have Stinky Thinking and get away with it. But I am getting ahead of my story.

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