Page 5 - Whispering Squiirrels
P. 5

On this particular day, I was watching the squirrels at play. They were running up and down the trees having a great time. I noticed two squirrels who were doing something I seldom saw squirrels do... whispering. They were on a side branch talking very quietly to each other.
Just as I noticed them, another squirrel walked by them and they looked up and noticed him. When they saw him, they stopped whispering. But just after he passed them, they laughed quietly and started whispering again.
I did not think much about it until I looked at the squirrel who had just passed the “whispering squirrels.” He looked angry enough to eat tree bark. Not only did he look angry, he acted angry toward many of the other squirrels. I watched him throughout the day and he stayed angry and acting very ugly toward others.
It occurred to me that it all started when he walked past the “Whispering Squirrels.” He stayed upset for so long that I gave him the name “Angry Squirrel.”
After the reaction of the “Angry Squirrel” to the two “Whispering Squirrels,” I decided to pay a little closer attention to them. I noticed that they kept on with their whispering behavior throughout the day. It was a new behavior to me. It was the first time I had seen squirrels whisper and it didn’t seem to be any big deal ... but I was wrong.

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