Page 7 - Whispering Squiirrels
P. 7

This young female squirrel was dressed in her best and was walking down the limb of the tree where the two “Whispering Squirrels” had sat all day. Now, this young female squirrel looked very happy. I hated to see her get all upset but there was nothing I could do to change the situation. And just as before, the two “Whispering Squirrels” stopped whispering just as she approached them. Just after she passed, they laughed quietly and started whispering again.
By now I was very interested in this situation. I watched very closely to see this third squirrel’s reaction. Just after she had passed them and they had laughed and started whispering again, she paused.
She did not look at the “Whispering Squirrels” but I could tell that she was thinking. It just took a moment or two and then she smiled and started walking again, with a happy look on her face. I heard her say to herself, “What a foolish pair, I will not let their foolishness cause me to be upset.” I was surprised and I knew I had to call her the “Happy Squirrel.”
As I often say, “You humans have a lot to learn.” It is too bad that you don’t pay more attention to us in the animal world and learn how we deal with life’s difficulties. This is what I would call a “classic situation,” which means that you could learn a lot from it. But most humans don’t pay enough attention to recognize when Stinky Thinking is happening.

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