Page 24 - Too Smart Dog
P. 24

1. Why didn’t the Too Smart Dog try and catch the thief?
A. He was too scared.
B. The thief was in another room.
C. The things he was stealing were not valuable, so why risk ge ng hurt.
2. Why was lord upset that Too Smart Dog did not try and catch the thief?
A. Because he felt that the dog should do whatever he wants regardless of what it thinks. B. Because he lost a lot of jewelry.
C. Because Too Smart Dog made him look foolish.
3. Why was this dog the Too Smart Dog?
A. Because he could count.
B. Because he did what was in his best self interest. C. Because he made the Peddler a lot of money
4. A friend wants to borrow something, which you don’t want to lend, what should you do?
A. Tell them that you don’t know where it is but you will look for it. B. Be a good friend and give it to them.
C. Tell them that this is something that you do not want to share.
5. An event is coming up at school and your family can’t a ord any new clothes, what should you do?
A. Accept that you don’t have anything new to wear, don’t let that keep you from going. B. Tell the others that it is inconvenient for you to a end the event and not go to it.
C. Ask your parent to apply for a “pre-approved” credit card to buy your new clothes.
6. Your family has been planning to go on a trip and you have told everyone about it. Now you  nd out that the family can’t a ord the trip, what should you do.
A. Explain to your friends that you decided that the trip was dumb and decided not to go.
B. Tell yourself that it is not the end of the world, that you can live without going on the trip. C. Get a part  me job so you can make enough money to go on the trip.
7. Your teacher gave a lot of extra homework and you will have to miss a party to  nish it, what should you do?
A. Ask you parent to write an excuse so you can go to the party and skip the homework.
B. Do as much of the homework as you can and not worry about the rest and go to the party. C. Finish your homework even if it means you miss the party.
8. You want to try out for the school choir but the older students tell you are not good enough, what should you do?
A. Tell yourself that they are wrong and that you must make the choir.
B. Tell yourself that you should try even if you don’t make the choir.
C. Tell yourself that since you won’t make the choir, just skip the tryouts this year.
9. If you are frequently embarrassed by what certain cousins say about you or do to you, what should you do?
A. Not go to events or to places those people usually a end.
B. Tell yourself that those people can’t make you feel bad unless you let them. C. Ask your older family members to please make them stop picking on you.
10. Your friends decide that they are going to break a dress code rule that they think is stupid, what should you do?
A. Break the rule and be like your friends.
B. Hang around school to see if they get in trouble and if not, break the rule.
C. Accept that it is a rule and abide by it un l you can  gure out if and how to change it.

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