Page 30 - SB-Black and White Kingdom
P. 30
You knew if you would like a food even before you tasted it. You knew if a game would be fun or boring before you played it. You knew who was your friend on any given day. All of this you would know because of the color of the food, the game, the person.
Right away you can see the problem with this color thing. How can you know if a food will taste good if you have never tried it? How can you know if a game will be fun or boring if you have not played it often enough to learn it? How do you know that someone will be friendly to you before you even tell them hello?
But in our story that is exactly how everyone did everything and they seemed perfectly happy to do it that way until... the Glasses. The Glasses let the King see the subtle (which means small) differences in things and people that make big differences in how you think about them.
It could be very simple, like when an almost red apple, which appeared black (not ripe) before the Glasses, now is seen as almost ripe and good to eat. The brownish red (overripe) apple, which before the Glasses appeared white (ripe), is now seen as past it’s prime and not suitable to eat.
It could be complex, as when the King asked who liked his wife’s cooking. Those who said they loved it were seen as black (friends) before the Glasses.