Page 4 - G-Collard Green Garden
P. 4

Cosmos Crow here, to tell you a little story about how we can let others influence us to do things we know are just down right dumb.
One summer several years ago, I was staying in the rural south, just relaxing. I made a habit of hanging out in a tree next to the bus stop so I could see all the comings and
goings on in this little community. One morning a young girl got off the bus and was talking to the driver as she was getting her suitcase.
Not that I am nosey or anything but I flew down to the roof of the little store that served as the bus station, to listen to their conversation. It seemed that the young girl had inherited a farm from some relatives. The farm was in this country, far from her home and she was going there to live by herself.
I’ll admit that I was impressed that she was brave enough to do this all on her own. She told the bus driver that the farm had been abandoned for several years. But reportedly it had a nice house and good land that would be more than adequate. She said that she had a map to the farm and would walk the rest of the way to it. This seemed like the most interesting thing happening that day, so I flew along with her on her journey to her new home.

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