Page 6 - G-Collard Green Garden
P. 6

As you might expect, the inside of the house looked about as bad as the porch. Cobwebs and dust was everywhere! All the furniture had been covered with sheets to keep them reasonably clean. “This will be quite a job,” she said to herself and began pulling the sheets off the furniture.
She went to the hall closet and found a broom and began to make up for those years of neglect. Sweep, sweep, sweep and clouds of dust went flying out the front door. Down came the cobwebs and out went the trash as she worked her broom down to a nub.
By seven that evening the house was beginning to look better but she knew that much still needed to be done. Suddenly, she realized that it was supper time and that she had skipped lunch in the excitement of cleaning the house.
She went into the kitchen, where she had yet to clean and began to go through the cupboards. I was looking through the kitchen window and was expecting to see cans and cans of food like in other farm houses.
But alas, the cupboards were empty of food. Not even a crust of bread was in the house. She had the pots and pans. She even had salt and spices but not one thing to eat. She said to herself, “What am I to do for I can’t live on water and salt.” Then she said, “This is a farm and if it is like the other farms, it will have
a garden!”

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