Page 8 - G-Collard Green Garden
P. 8

This sounded like a good plan to me. As you might guess, crows are not real big on collard greens. And, in case you are not from the south, collard greens are first cousin to spinach... ugh! So the idea of planting the foods she liked in her garden make good sense.
I was pretty impressed with her Good Thinking. She had a problem alright but rather than get angry or sad, she thought of a solution. But then something strange happened.
Suddenly, she heard a little voice say, “Oh, please don’t do that.” The young girl looked around and then down to the ground and saw a small rabbit with big eyes and a pink nose.
“Oh, please don’t change the garden. I live here and eat the collard greens. If you change things, I won’t have anything to eat and will have to move. That would be very difficult for me to do. Look at these collards. They grow all by themselves with no effort by anyone. If you change the garden, you are just being mean to me. I am too small and weak to take care of myself and you should help me.”
The young girl felt guilty that she was planning to dig up the garden. She did not realize that it would cause the rabbit so much grief. After all, the collards were growing all by themselves and he did seem small and weak.

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