Page 27 - Distracted Dan
P. 27
Some of us have di culty sustaining our a en on span. We are okay for a few minutes and then we dri o . Cosmos talks about how in the animal world, you have to pay a en on all of the me. If you every dri o , something bad might happen.
He gives several examples of not s cking with paying a en on and that it would be unacceptable in a ball game. In the story, Dan’s not paying a en on causes him to mishear instruc ons that cause him a lot of trouble. You can easily give other examples to your children of mishearing instruc ons.
1. What type of thinking did Dan have that allowed him to not pay a en on and mishear things?
S nky Thinking
2. What type of behavior resulted from Dan’s mishearing things?
Thumbs Down behavior