Page 28 - Distracted Dan
P. 28
In this nal worksheet page, Cosmos talks about the importance of prac cing paying a en on. It is not something that comes naturally to everyone.
Some of us are so easily distracted that we must work really hard at paying a en on. The habit of just telling yourself to STOP when you catch yourself dri ing o can help you to train yourself to
1. What type of thinking would Dan have had if he had followed Cosmos’ instruc ons about how to pay a en on?
Good Thinking
2. What type of behavior would Dan have had if he hadn’t misheard his teacher’s instruc ons?
Thumbs Up behavior
Paying a en on seems like such a simple task. But it really does take e ort for a lot of us. For some children it takes a great deal of e ort and a lot of prac ce. Regardless of the e ort necessary, an ability to pay a en on can be one of the most important skills you can develop.