Page 20 - Rules are your Friends
P. 20

It is like that in our story of the animal world. The young buffalo, naturally wanted to hurry and jump in the river (without looking both ways ) and the rule about looking both ways was there so that there would be a future for the young buffalo. If you break the rules, you may not get eaten by a crocodile but you will find that your life will be more difficult than it has to be.
Unfortunately, some people think that they are smart or cool if they can break rules and not get caught. Other people think that rules are just made to make their lives difficult and that others, (the rule enforcers) are just being mean to them. These are both examples of how people let their Stinky Thinking cause them to have Not OK emotions and
Thumbs Down behavior.
Obeying rules does not mean that you are weak or afraid of others. It means that you are able to understand the thinking behind the rules and how it is in your best self-interest to obey them. Next time you are around a very successful, happy adult, ask them what they think about rules. I bet they will agree that Rules are Your Friend.

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