Page 21 - Rules are your Friends
P. 21
This is an exercise about evaluating rules. Some of you will obey a rule, without ever thinking about the rule. Some of you will disobey a rule, without ever thinking about the rule. This exercise is going to each you about evaluating rules from “A to Z.”
First, you must DEFINE the rule. What does the rule really mean?
Is the rule, “You must never talk in class” or is it, “Do not talk in class without permission.”
Second, you determine the real PURPOSE of the rule.
Is the reason to keep you from having fun? Or is it so that others will not be disturbed by the noise?
Third, you evaluate what is the type of THINKING that is the basis of the rule.
Does the rule not make any sense ... Stinky Thinking? Or is it logical and rational ... Good Thinking?
Fourth, if you don’t want to obey the rule, what type of THINKING are you having?
Is your reason for not wanting to obey the rule logical and rational ... Good Thinking? Or is it selfish, and illogical ... Stinky Thinking?
Fifth, if you break the rule what will be the short term and long term CONSEQUENCES to you?
If you break the rule, what might happen to you now and in the future? Even if you don’t get caught breaking the rule this time, look to the future and what might happen to you.