Page 5 - Rules are your Friends
P. 5
In your world, you sometimes get confused about the role of rules. You don’t recognize how important and helpful they are for you, each and every day. We animals have no such confusion.
Let me give you some examples that you may or may not know about. Dogs for example, have a very strict rule. It goes like this; “Never catch the car you are chasing.”
I am sure you can imagine what would happen if a dog did not obey that rule. The dog would clamp on to the bumper or tire, hurt his teeth and would get a pretty bumpy ride.
Now we all know that some dogs can run really fast and some cars go really slow. But I’ll bet you have never seen a dog, no matter how fast he can run, catch a car, even if the car is going very slow. If the car is going very slow, the dog just slows down.
The dog continues to bark and carry on like he wants to catch the car but he never catches it. The fun is in the chasing and barking. I am sure that you understand why not catching is a dog rule. It would be very easy for them to get hurt if they were allowed to catch the car.
It is okay to do the fun part, chasing and barking but not the dangerous part ... catching.