Page 7 - Rules are your Friends
P. 7
Once this replacement gets a little tired the next one will take their place and so on until they get to their new home. If you watch them flying, you may be lucky enough to see them letting another, take their turn.
If they did not take turns, the lead bird would get so tired that the bird would not be able to keep flying. The lead bird would have to drop out and would get left behind. That is why, Always take turns is a friend to the birds.
Here is an example of a rule that we both have and our reasons for having it are very similar. If it seems to be too good to be true, then it probably isn’t true. Now humans have that rule because others will sometimes try to take advantage of you or cheat you.
If someone promises to give you something or do something for you and it sounds Too good, then it probably is and you should avoid it. This is also a rule in the animal world and nowhere is it more important than in the rodent world. Mice and rats are always saying, “If it seems too good (easy) than it probably is.”
Mostly they are talking about when there just happens to be a big piece of cheese laying around waiting for them to eat it. If it seems too good (easy) than it probably is ... it is the unfortunate mouse or rat who does not obey that rule. That is why rules are your friends.