Page 9 - Rules are your Friends
P. 9
Now I thought this was really strange. I looked up and down the river and I did not see a car or bus or anything. But all of the parents kept saying, “Look both ways.”
We animals never have a rule unless there is a good reason for it, just like you humans, so I flew closer to see why they were enforcing this rule.
Well Crows are supposed to have really good eyes but I had to look really hard to see why the parents wanted the youngsters to be so cautious. And then I saw it ,or should I saw them, hiding in the reeds of the river.
Crocodiles, waiting for some youngster to jump in without looking both ways. Well I want to tell you, I got so scared that my feathers stood up on their ends.
The trip to Africa made me realize a very important point. There are reasons why there are rules. It may not seem necessary to obey the rules all of the time but what happens if the one time you decide to break the rule is the one time you needed to obey it?
You will never know when is the correct time to obey the rule. You never know when there are crocodiles waiting.