Page 10 - Rules are your Friends
P. 10

As I have been saying throughout this story, rules are your friends. They exist to help you. All good rules are based on facts, which means that they come from Good Thinking. There are such things as rules that come from Stinky Thinking but those are the exception and you will rarely be exposed to them. Almost all of your rules are Good Thinking, friendly rules.
We have talked about a few rules, just to give you the idea that most of them are important and should be obeyed. I would like to end this story with two rules that are common to both humans and animals. They were disobeyed and this caused a lot of sadness. All of you are very familiar with the human rule, “Never speak with or go with strangers.”
That is a very, very important rule in your world and should always be obeyed. Animals have the same rule, (particularly wild animals as it applies to humans) and we almost always obey it.
However, there is a story about a group of animals who did not obey that rule. They were a large flightless birds, which lived on an island in the ocean. None of us animals have ever seen any of these birds but we all know the story.
It seems that this island was very isolated and thus these birds had no contact with others. Because there were no strangers on their island, they never developed this rule.

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