Page 8 - Rules are your Friends
P. 8
There are some rules that we all have in common. One that immediately comes to mind is, “It is time to be quiet”. Now being quiet means the same to all of us. It means being still and making no noise. In fact, in the animal kingdom this rule is so important that it is one of the first rules taught.
If you were able to listen to a mother deer talking to her new born fawn, she would be explaining the rule about being quiet. This is a very important rule and is seldom disobeyed.
You humans are very lucky. You have fingers which can help with this rule. Because you are not as good as we are about remembering rules, you have to be reminded and because you have fingers that is very easy. All someone has to do is put a finger to their lips and all of you know the rule, “It is time to be quiet.”
Now here is an interesting rule that you humans have in common with some animals ... “Look both ways before crossing.” I am sure that you are familiar with that rule. I never though much about it, since crows never look both ways.
But then on one of my vacations, I saw the rule in action. I was in Africa where a large herd of animals was crossing a river. The mother buffaloes were telling their young, “Look both ways before crossing.”