Page 9 - May 2020
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 Markyourcalendars:SHABoardMeeting|May12th|7:00pm |DigitalConferenceMeeting
 Congratulations to the winner of the May 2020 Shenandoah Homeowners Association “Yard of the Month” award that goes to 5344 North Fort Pickens. The homeowners receive a $25 gift certificate to Clegg’s Nursery, our gracious sponsor.
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Newswatch/ Website Report: Ed reported that our Newswatch advertisers stopped advertising in March due to the pandemic crisis. So, he changed it to a digital format for April and will do a digital issue for May, as well. Ed sent out notices via Next Door/ Shenandoah, Shenandoah Area Neighbors Group Facebook, and email blasts that the Newswatch was online only this month. He reported that in April MTD, 1400 people opened the digital Newswatch. Based on this response, Ed suggested that we consider going to a digital format permanently. This would save us over $700 per month in postage. Also, he would be able to charge less for advertising, but he noted that some advertisers would not want to advertise if it was digital. Ed will put together some numbers for the board’s consideration at the meeting next month.
Entrance Sign Committee Report: Sandy reported that the work on the sign has slowed due to the pandemic crisis. Workers are very cautious and getting supplies is also an issue. Sandy noted that the permit maturities should be extended by the city due to the crisis, as well. Eileen gave verbal approval for Sandy to sign the check to pay the invoice for legal work done on the sign project.
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Thanks to all of you take pride in your property. Keep up the great work! We’ll be judging “Yard of the Month” nominations every month and announcing the winner in the Newswatch newsletter and the SHA website.
When you drive down a street of well-kept lawns and landscaping, the pride of ownership shows and sends a positive message to visitors to our neighborhood. That pride often correlates to higher home value. [
You can also submit a nomination for the Yard of the Month on the SHA Website:
         Shenandoah Homeowners Association Page 9

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