Page 39 - Chocolate Festival
P. 39

1. What reason did Red Tail give for Squiggy not wanting any candy? Was what he said based on fact?
Squiggy was using “bad” magic to make the trees not produce nuts. No, what he was saying was just something he was making up.
2. What type of thinking was that? How was he feeling? Was his behavior “Thumbs Up” or “Down?”
Stinky Thinking. He was making himself afraid and angry and his behavior was Thumbs Down.
3. Was Squiggy responsible for Red Tail’s thinking? Should you take responsibility for the thinking of others?
No, Squiggy can not control the thinking of Red Tail. No, nobody can control the thinking of others.
4. Sometimes others will say things about you that are not true, just like Red Tail. Should you make yourself upset because of someone else’s “Stinky Thinking?”
If you make yourself upset because of what others say or do, you are letting them control you. All you can do is tell the truth and ignore them.

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