Page 40 - Chocolate Festival
P. 40

In an attempt to make sense of Squiggy’s refusal of the chocolate, Fuzzy Tail chose an irrational rationale that generated the Not OK emotion of fear. Help your children understand that the only thing that really happening was Squiggy’s refusal of the chocolate. Everything else like “Mark of the Hawk” is just foolishness. It
was the result of the irrational thinking of others because Squiggy was “different.”
This worksheet page reinforces the idea that, “You can decide you don’t like someone just because of their appearance (their race or clothes and that decision has no basis in reality.” It only exists in your own Stinky Thinking.
1. Fuzzy Tail told the others that Squiggy had the “Mark of the Hawk.” What was some of his Stinky Thinking?
“Squiggy acts different and looks different. If I tell the others something bad about Squiggy, I will become important”.
2. When you decide you don’t like someone just because of their appearance (their race or clothes) what type of thinking is that? Stinky Thinking
3. Is it possible to be angry or afraid just because someone or something is different? What thinking is causing those emotions? Yes it is possible. That is Stinky Thinking.
4. If you become very angry or afraid because of your “Stinky Thinking,” like Fuzzy Tail, how will you behave?
Be ugly to them or tell lies about them or something like that.

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