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P. 151
José Paulo – Ideal Decision José Paulo – Ideal Decision
People who take shortcuts are people who do not want to do must do your best to get it.
their best, and they end up in ruins. A clear example is to build One equation that I advocate for success is the following:
a house with low quality material, it can crumble down at any
Many people want to have the best, whether it is a job, a better SUCCESS = (OBJECTIVE + PLANE x ATTITUDE)
house, or the best family, but they do not strive for it. There is no
logic in wanting to have the best without commitment and surren- Therefore, the Success is the sum of your objective and action
der. You will not succeed and if you were to succeed it would be plan, multiplied by our attitudes, raised to resilience. Which means
unfair and inadequate, there would be no prosperity in it.
that in order to have the best you must apply yourself with excel-
For example, people who win the lottery, make a bet and win lence to the elements of this equation, by being a person with de-
the prize, yet, every 100 millionaire winners, 99 go back to poverty termined focus, clear objectives and well-designed planes, to have a
because they did not earn the millions, they did not deserve it. positive attitude at all times, good or bad, and a whole lot of resi-
The most important thing is not to reach the top, but the per- lience. If you apply this equation correctly, you will be successful,
son you become to reach the top. The process makes you more ef- and then you can define your next step.
ficient, productive, aware, resilient, determined and more sensitive
so that you can work in a team with great results. “To have the best, do your best!”
All the champions who are interviewed when they reach the top José Paulo
in their respective areas, say they realize that they found nothing
there, but an immense void; once you reach the top of something,
you will set a new goal for another top and so on, that is, success
is the progressive fulfillment of a desire, the desire gets amplified
and new levels are set from time to time.
Understand, to have the best marriage, you have to invest in
patience, love and care; to have the best job you have to invest
in resilience, hard work, dedication and focus; to have the best
business you have to invest in human resources, hiring, goals and
an excellent environment; in your religious community you need
to dedicate yourself to fraternizing with the fellowship; for you to
have the best neighborhood you have to try and do your part in
the community. So, whatever it is you want to have the best of, you
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