P. 8
Religious Education is a core subject which
At Brampton school we continually strive is taught following the guidelines of the
towards developing and maintaining an agreed ‘Cumbria Syllabus’. Assemblies are
engaging and purposeful curriculum which held daily which are broadly Christian in
aligns with the National Curriculum. character, although we are a non-
denominational school.
We have reviewed the planning process,
restructured topics and clarified
expectations to ensure we are delivering Personal, Social, Health, Economic
the new statutory curriculum (launched in and Citizenship
2014). We have also thought very carefully PHSE education within our school aims to
about the needs of the children of provide opportunities for pupils to develop
Brampton. Through discussion with staff, the skills, knowledge and understanding
children and parents we have identified four they need to lead confident, healthy
‘drivers’ which we feel need to underpin our independent lives and become active and
school’s curriculum in order to give our informed citizens. Teaching in this area
children the skills, knowledge and personal enables pupils to contribute in an age
attributes that they need to become lifelong appropriate way. This may be delivered in
learners and fulfil their own aspirational ‘CircleTime’, assemblies, or during
goals. Our drivers are; curriculum lessons such as science or
during our Sports and Health Week.
Community, Possibilities, Understanding
the World, Emotional Awareness
Preventing Radicalisation
In-line with the Government’s ‘Prevent’
agenda, our Child Protection Policy
reiterates our commitment to ensuring our
children grow as responsible, well-rounded
citizens. We will do anything we can to
protect our pupils from the threat of
terrorism or radical ideology, and we have a
zero tolerance approach to extremism in
our school. Our staff are well-trained as to
what to do in such circumstances.