Page 30 - 2020-2021 Annual Report
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Academic Excellence
Standardized (MAP) and internal assessments provide essential data communicated to parents. These assessments help educators design teaching strategies or learning activities to help students develop their knowledge and skills throughout the year.
Primary teachers administer Writing On- Demand pieces at least three times per year with grade-level team moderation to identify programmatic strengths and targeted areas of growth. Seesaw is a portfolio-based assessment with some new grading options where teachers can assess against the standards. Word There Way assessment for spelling and word work help identify unique patterns and language-specific parts to each student. WIDA assessments provide data for EAL studentsinreadingwritingspeakingand listening.
Teachers in secondary collect student work in ManageBac, which allows them to record and provide feedback. The feedback is visible to students and parents. This availability strengthens the home-school connection and allowing parents to have learning conversations with their children. High school has exams
at the end of each semester to allow students to consolidate their learning and get used to exam conditions. Students in
Grades 11 and 12 have mock and real IB DP exams. Mock exams are marked by teachers and used to guide students' final preparations for the external exam session in May. IB DP results are released in July, and we reflect on those and our predictions of those grades at the beginning of each academic year, using this data to set goals for the coming year.
SIS also uses the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) tests twice a year for grades 6-9 and three times a year for grades 2-5 to benchmark the progress of our students. The MAP is a suite of internationally innovative standardized assessments for measuring growth in K- 12mIath,reading,andlanguageusage. The data collected helps educators plan differentiated instruction, develop interventions, and see what they are ready to learn next. MAP scores report present realistic learning goals by subject areas with teachers' guidance; students can individually see their progress. While standardized testing helps track students' progress, it is essential to remember that it is just one piece of the data we use
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