Page 91 - IEAR1_60y_Book_of_Abstracts
P. 91


                                            NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES                                        P32

                                                      J.C.R. Perez a
                                      Bolivian Nuclear Energy Agency, La Paz, Bolivia

                      Conserving the cultural heritage and works of art is a general concern, be-
                  cause they are constantly exposed to biodegradation due to the presence of micro-
                  organisms (bacteria, Achaea, fungi, algae), as well as lichens and insect pests because
                  of their bio-deteriorative potential and cause problems in their surface, the attacks
                  of these living micro-organisms is known as bio-deteriorating agents. The diverse
                  bio-deterioration phenomena observed in these ancient materials are determined by
                  several factors, namely the chemical composition and nature of the material itself,
                  the environment exposed them arise from the development of micro-organisms within
                  the pore system, besides the manner and frequency of surface cleaning and household
                  management in places where are kept. Proper conservation and preservation meth-
                  ods are necessary for ensuring a long service life of cultural heritage and work of art
                  products. This study describes a review of the main nuclear technology treatments
                  applied to eliminate bio deterioration agents in historic cultural artifacts as well as to
                  characterize them. First, disinfection and decontamination of historic cultural arti-
                  facts, such paper leather, textile parchment, polychromic wooden sculptures, parts of
                  altars, musical instruments, painting, clothes through irradiation treatment, includ-
                  ing gamma radiation   60 Co, the main nuclear technique for salvation, restoration and
                  conservation, also electron-beam, X-ray diffraction, neutron activation. The reports
                  suggest that the radiation does not damage the precious artifacts, because it is a
                  non-destructive technique and these materials do not become radioactive, however
                  the artifacts require appropriate monitoring methods. Second, the characterization of
                  cultural heritage artifacts, using noninvasive and nondestructive analytical techniques
                  imaging and spectroscopy based on X-ray spectrometry (EDXRF/WDXRF/TXRF,
                  XPS), ion beam analyses (PIXE/PIGE, RBS,SR), FTIR-ATR, Raman spectrome-
                  try, along with scanning microscopy (AFM/SEM/TEM) for preserving, conserving
                  and restoring historical cultural heritage artifacts. In Bolivia, the application of these
                  nuclear technology will become a reality only when it will be concluded the future
                  Center for Research and Development in Nuclear Technology (CRDNT), which will
                  be built in El Alto city at 3928 meters above the sea level, the components of the
                  center include a multipurpose  60 Co gamma radiation facility and Electron beam, a

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