Page 19 - Bulletin Vol 26 No 2 - May - Aug. 2021 - Final
P. 19

NCDS | Classifieds continued

         DENTAL OFFICE FOR SALE -                               DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE, GENERAL
         FREEPORT, NY                                           DENTISTRY – SYOSSET

         Established 40+ years, excellent location,             Well established, serving Syosset and
         adequate parking, real estate included.                surrounding communities.
         Call 516-546-2005 or 516-902-4724                      Building is also for sale preferably along with
                                                                the practice.  The practice was started in 1953
         DENTAL OFFICE FOR SALE - HUNTINGTON                    so we are caring for 3rd and 4th generation of
         120 New York Avenue, Huntington, NY                    patients.  Please call 516 921-3290 for further
         Total sq’ 1336; usable sq ‘1270.  Beautiful            information.
         medical building in Huntington close to
         Huntington Village.  Three equipped                    TURNKEY OFFICE FOR RENT – EASTERN
         operatories, new HVAC, furnished waiting               NASSAU COUNTY
         room, staff room, private office.  Two                 Dental office space available 3 ops fully
         bathrooms, lab, sterilization room, storage.           equipped on the gold coast of Eastern Nassau
         Must see unique architectural                          County.  Perfect for specialist.
         features. Plenty of parking.                           Please email
         $575,000 sale price (includes equipment,               DENTALBOUTIK@OPTONLINE.NET
         furniture) available immediately.
         Email owner                     DENTAL OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT
                                                                – MINEOLA
          DENTAL OFFICE FOR SALE                                Great opportunity with no start up costs to begin

          Valley Stream 40 Years, Oceanside 5 Years             or continue treating patients at a fully equipped
          Fee for Service and Better PPO’s                      and furnished dental office conveniently located
          Active Recall Program                                 2 blocks from Mineola Train Station.
          Restorative: C & B and Implants                       Customize your schedule.  Several days
          All Molar Endodontics Referred                        available for rent.  Call 516-448-7209.
          Either Rent or Move to Own Location
          Contact:                               LOOKING FOR A SPECIALIST TO RENT
                                                                SPACE IN OUR NEW SPACE IN JERICHO

         DENTAL OFFICE BUILDING FOR SALE OR                     A completely digital office with PAN on site.
         RENT – ROCKVILLE CENTRE                                Great opportunity to build and grow with our
         364 Merrick Road in Rockville Centre N.Y.              practice.
         2295 sq. ft. 5 equipped treatment rooms.               Contact us at 516-592-1555 for more details.
         On-site parking, full basement.
         $730,000 including equipment to purchase or            DENTAL OFFICE FOR RENT ALBERTSON/
         rent 3 treatment rooms three days a week plus          ROSLYN HEIGHTS
         alternate Saturdays.  Rent with option to buy.         1000 SF Dental office ground floor, 3 OPS.
         Existing Periodontal practice NOT included.            Furniture, telephone, video system & suction
         Call 516-652-9238
                                                                machine included. Turnkey immediate
                                                                occupancy. Pictures & layout upon request.
                                                                Contact: Bill 516-721-0326

                                             Nassau County Dental Society ⬧  (516) 227-1112  |  19
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