Page 2 - Opinion Paragraph Daniel Paez
P. 2
A solution for the pollution
The Ecuadorian State should make a decission about how to reduce air pollution
in the area. First of all, air pollution affects especially to children in the healthy
lives with a problems as a result oft he polluted environment. It is important that
people try to reduce the use of the cars for transportation. Also, companies should
control the bad gasses. Second, cars produce most oft he air pollution. Using
bycicles are a good way to help against the pollution. Furthermore, Quito has to
improve its transportation, because with a good system of transportation people
would use it. Third, programs or events about how to help the environment will
be useful. People will learn different aspects of pollution and how to fight against
pollution in our country. This events will change the mentality on citizens and
then, they will help to encourage recycling, use bycicles. I think, the pollution is
in many countries so that governments should take of control of situation.