Page 3 - THE SHAADI TIMES Matrimonial Newspaper FINDING GROOMS-ilovepdf-compressed (1) (1)
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                    We introduce you to our Newspaper in Matrimonial Domain.
                    We try to give our customers best in class services to the level
                    of personal assistance in finding the best match for their

                    member by printing customised Ad in our Matrimonial

                    We are a group of Like Minded Optimistic and Passionate

                    People, Industry Experts with good more than 10 years of
                    experience in Wedding Industry.

                    We have studied detailed list of problems faced by Families in
                    searching for a new family member in matrimonial alliance
                    and we intend to provide a solution.

                    We try to Inter-connect you with prospect of your choice and
                    take it forward to wedding bells.

                    We have a special counselling, consulting and guiding team to
                    analyse your demands and arrange to connect you with

                    partners of your choice, saving your time and effort and
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