Page 84 - deCODE Vol 2/2018
P. 84

  Sumber: Twitter @UniWestminster
There is macbook which the students can borrow for a day or even two days and take
it to their home. The one who can enjoy the facilities is only the students because they have card which they tap on all the gates in this university. “That is the thing I love. So, the students don’t have to be afraid that the library is full or the facilities are used by other people,” said Liska. Other good thing about this university is they want to replace paper, so they really advanced on technology. As example, the university also lends iPad for the students so they can write their notes on iPad not on paper anymore.
When deCODE asks her to give one reason to study there, she answer “it is hard to only give one reason because there is a lot of reasons
to study here. The experience that you’ll get from studying here is totally different from other countries.” Maybe it is hard to do the adaptation at first because people’s motivation to study is so high in here. But study here really helps me a lot to be better especially to learn English,” she closed.
Kochi University, Japan
Pingka, who got scholarship from STBA LIA, her university in Indonesia. “Because I am an exchange student, the requirement to graduate from here is the same like in Indonesia. I can convert my score in Japan to Indonesia. So, the score will influence my ‘IPK’,” said Pingka. “ It is almost the same to graduate from Japan. You need to make thesis and it usually takes 4 years to study there. There are also universities which
allowed you to graduate without thesis, but you need to make seminar and having a test,” she added.
One of the strengths studying in Japan is the people there are so kind and polite. “For the example, when I walk on the street there are two cars wanna pass by and both of them stop and allow me to walk first. They not only respect pedestrian but also respect bicyclist,” explained Pingka. “All of people there also really obey with the rules there, therefore accident is rare here,” Pingka added.
The hardest part to study in Japan for Pingka is the different language. Different language sometimes make her doesn’t understand 100% what people really said. Even she already learn Japanese language in Indonesia, sometimes she feels a little bit nervous to talk in Japanese language. “I have teacher which help the process of studying in Japan. So I can understand what my lecturers explain on college,” add Pingka.
“They told me to not put all the trash on the same place. They also told me that this system already used since a long long time ago.”
Other hard part of studying in Japan for Pingka is because she needs to put and separate trash on the right place. “They told me to not put all the trash on the same place. They also told me that this system already used since a long long time ago,” she explained. Japan do this system because they want to recycle the trash which can be used again. “And for your information, Japan has Reuse Shop which sells recycle thing with low prices,” closed her.
JReporter: Safa Editor: Shinta Aulya Desain: Shinta Aulya
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