Page 82 - deCODE Vol 2/2018
P. 82

 “We also have ‘childcare’ for taking care of children in our University, so the student who already married and have children can continue their study,” Basma continued. For them, studying there with the complete facilities is really fun. Some of the facilities are swimming pool, basketball field, football field, coffee shop, and even H&M store. “The most beautiful place
we have in the university is the central library. It is very large and has many different books,” closed Sara.
Sumber: Twitter @_PNU_KSA
Chicko, from International Business has a lot of reason
for you to choose study in China. One of the reason
for him is study in China will make you more discipline. “The strong reason to study here, we will learn how to
be more discipline with time and how to work faster. The other reason, China will be
the center of world’s economy after USA and Japan, so we need to prepare by studying in China,” said Chicko.
For you who always late to 84 deCODE Magazine
go to college, study in China must be a little bit stressful.
In Jilin University, you only have 2 minutes extension time before it is consider as late. And you only have 4 times absence or you will fail in the subject. Talking about the rules there. The University isn’t allowed you to use your phone in class, come late, and tell you to keep the dorm clean. “The institution isn’t really strict to international students but really strict to Chinese students there,” explain Chicko.
“I don’t think there is a lack of facilities in here. What I love is the classes are modern and equipped with computer and projector.”
Same like most of University, you need around 4 years to graduate. But International student don’t need to make thesis to graduate from
Jilin University. “There is
no thesis for international students here, we only
need to pass all subjects. But for local students, there is thesis and they need to pass HSK (Chinese language proficiency),” said Chicko.
Sumber: httpblciindonesia.blogspot. com
HTW Berlin, German
As we all know, German known as a country with advanced technology, so it is the right place for you to study things related to technique. But before you decide to study here, you need to read
Riefqi Alif experiences about studying in German. Riefqi is a student majoring in Mechanical engineering in HTW Berlin. It is not an easy thing to study engineering, therefore HTW Berlin only have one class per year for engineering students, but around 4 classes for other majors.
Before talk about how is like to study there, Riefqi tells us that German has two types of University. There are FH and University. In FH you will learn about practical things,
but in University you learn about theories and how to expand them.
HTW Berlin is a FH where there is more practical study than theory. Every two weeks, student on HTW Berlin always have practicum. And after that, they need to make paper about their practicum.
Having an exam and project,

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