Page 81 - deCODE Vol 2/2018
P. 81

Different COUNTRY Different WAY
Of Studying
Study abroad will make you have new experiences. There is something which makes study abroad interesting, it is different culture. Different culture will lead to different rules of the university. In Indonesia, culture
of study in Universities commonly about how to memorize theories dan best score in exam is the smartest one. Although, some tasks in University also teach us to practice our hard skill and soft skill. Mostly University in Indonesia, in the final year we must do an internship or field practice so that the student have experiences in the work life. Normally, University in Indonesia provides some facilities such as library, laboratorium, canteen even study room. But how about study culture in another country?
Princess Nourah University,
Saudi Arabia
Can you imagine to study in the biggest university for women in the world? Sara and Basma, Art and Design students from this university will tell you how it feels. It is almost the same like studying in Indonesia, they need to finish 4 years of studying there. The first year is a foundation year, where you study basic things. “On foundation year, we have a lot of group work, but right now, because I’m in the last year, I have individual work more,” Sara explained. “Yes, having a group work is rare in my major,” Basma added.
If Indonesia has 4 as the perfect score, Saudi has 5 as the perfect score.
In PNU, they don’t allow the student to absence more than three. And if its happen, the student aren’t allowed to take the final exam. There is also a unique rule, where all students aren’t allowed to bring food from outside and not to go out from university before dzuhur even they already finished their class. “They are rude at this point, we can’t leave before 12:00 PM,” tells Sara. Other things which make studying there is unique of course they are all women, from the lecturers to the securities there. “The good thing study in Saudi especially that our university separate girls and boys. Girls have their own University and so boys. So, it makes me more comfortable to do presentations,” said Basma.
  “I love to study here because this university provides us with everything, from education to entertainment.”
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