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TenInsight                                                                               London   Dubai

                                                                          |   June 2019  |   Issue 6

       How resilient is your organisation?

       A recent financial research paper suggested   submitting multiple reimbursements for   A year has passed since the legislation for
       58% of UK small and Medium sized     the same thing. The amounts are usually   GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018
       Enterprises (SMEs) have invested in some   little and often, enabling the employee to   was officially implemented in the UK.
       form of resilience during the past 12 months.    subtly fly under the radar.
                                                                                After an extensive annual audit by the
       It is clear from these figures that business   The preventative answer is to design and   British Assessment Bureau, I am pleased
       owners and managers are taking the   implement an expenses policy with clearly   to confirm our ISO 27001 Information
       necessary steps to protect themselves   defined guidelines – one that requires   Security accreditation has been renewed.
       against new challenges – including   a dual signature process, questions   If your organisation needs increased
       Brexit, cashflow problems and financial   expenditure and requests original receipts.   resilience, whether it be fraud, cyber or
       uncertainty. In times of financial difficulty,   Using your time wisely during uncertainty   data related, then please let us help you.
       recession or uncertainty, business owners   is a good opportunity to stabilise your
       should look to cut costs to help their   financial position and review your audits,
       company become resilient. One key area   processes and expenditure. Keep a keen
       to look at is within the organisation itself.
                                            eye out for details or anomalies – in
       Expense fraud is the most common type   our experience, suspicions of fraud are
       of fraud and is a significant threat to a   normally well founded.
                                            It has been a year since GDPR officially
       Fabricated expenses can often be an easy   went into effect – how was your GDPR              Neil Miller
       way for an employee to get reimbursed   journey? Our journey continues daily,                CEO, TenIntelligence
       for personal purchases, by inflating their   and we consistently test our data security      neil.miller
       mileage, client entertainment costs, or   compliance.                              

       ISO 27001 certification gained by

       TenIntelligence for another year

       Neil Miller, Chief Executive Officer,   Management System (ISMS) for our clients,   The company was assessed across several
       commended the team’s effort in       staff and partners. It is very important we   fields including relevant documentation,
       maintaining our high standards of    practise what we proclaim – I am delighted   the scope of our ISMS, business continuity,
       excellence and said: ‘‘Confidentiality,   by the efforts of all our team.’’  risk assessments and internal procedures,
       integrity and the protection of data                                     as well as control checks appropriate to
       continues to be of paramount importance                                  our business and service provisions.
       to our clients, and our successful re-                                   Compliance will continue to be one of the
       certification demonstrates TenIntelligence’s                             core values of TenIntelligence. We have
       commitment to data security. My thanks                                   an integrated compliance programme for
       to our compliance team, for coordinating,                                every process, which continues to provide
       implementing and improving our                                           assurance for our clients.  TenIntelligence
       procedures over the last year.”
                                                                                always strives for excellence and we are
       Richard Bell, Chief Operating Officer, added:                            currently working towards ISO 9001:2015
       ‘‘TenIntelligence has a strong commitment                                Certification that sets out the criteria for
       to adopting and enforcing the highest                                    our quality management system and
       standards in our Information Security                                    assurance.                                                      Due Diligence | Investigations | Protection
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