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4 June 2019 | Issue 6
Update from Dubai
Anti-fraud learning – Counterfeit goods
a personal perspective seized
Attending the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners TenIntelligence, in partnership with Underwriters Laboratories
(ACFE) anti-fraud masterclass organised by the Open Thinking (UL) and Sharjah Criminal Investigation Department (CID),
Academy in Dubai was beneficial for me to learn more about has successfully carried out raids on counterfeit electronic
becoming a fraud examiner, and an opportunity for me to products.
be introduced to other professionals in the field, as well as Our Dubai team worked with UL, a global independent
presenting TenIntelligence to a wider audience. safety science company, to assist officers from Sharjah CID
As fraud investigation is one of our core services, attending in identifying almost AED 4 million worth of counterfeit
the masterclass was a great opportunity to gain contacts and products and items that featured unauthorised trademarks.
build relationships. I was really pleased to receive positive TenIntelligence provided Sharjah CID with evidence of the
feedback from one of our existing clients and interest from counterfeit products and their locations, as well as additional
another masterclass visitor – both were very keen for us to assistance during the raids.
contact them.
Items with a total value of AED 3,997,667 were confiscated,
The anti-fraud masterclass was divided into two sessions. including 30,546 illegal lithium-ion batteries, AC adaptors,
The first session focused on the Certified Fraud Examiner chargers, keyboards, hard drives and LCD screens.
(CFE) exam requirements. The second session of the class
concentrated on interviewing techniques that fraud TenIntelligence is pleased to work with local and global law
investigators should apply when interviewing someone enforcement authorities and contribute to apprehending
suspected of fraud or wrong-doing. and prosecuting counterfeiters who break the law. It is also
important to recognise that this successful collaboration has
With the help of visual aids, the speaker was able to elaborate protected the public’s safety and prevented the spread and
on how an investigator should create the right environment sale of illegal and dangerous counterfeit goods across the
to reassure any suspect rather than intimidate them. The Emirates.
session ended with a guest speaker from a well-known
accounting firm – his talk gave a good insight into how a The operation was the latest in a series of ongoing
fraud investigator should conduct an interview, with real-life collaborations between UL, TenIntelligence, police and
local authorities in the UAE designed to target sellers and
examples. I particularly enjoyed his presentation as it showed manufacturers of such goods.
how psychology can really help investigators when dealing
with somebody suspected of fraud, which can significantly Cate Wells, Managing Director (Dubai), said: “This joint
change the outcome or course of an investigation. approach proves we can prevent the sale and distribution
of hazardous and substandard commodities. For clients like
I look forward to putting some new learning into practice and UL, it is their utmost desire to prevent harm to consumers
building upon that knowledge. and they are concerned with much more than the financial
And if you are interested in knowing more about the value of the goods that have been removed from the markets.
workshops and lectures we attend, please follow us on social Congratulations to all involved – our Dubai Team, Sharjah CID
media @TenIntelligence. and Natalie Wong and Hamid Syed at UL.”
Reem Ramadan To learn more about the brand protection services we
Analyst (Dubai) provide in the UK and Dubai, visit Due Diligence | Investigations | Protection
+44 (0) 203 963 1930 +44 (0) 173 252 5810 +971 (0) 4333 4669 @TenIntelligence