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      Table of Contents 目录

    会长致辞 President’s Message ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
    加中金融协会(CCFA)简介 About CCFA ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
    CCFA 大事记   CCFA Milestones .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6

    加密货币相关案例简析 Update on Crypto .....................................................................................................................................  Randee Pavalow 12
    经济寻锚 In Search for Economical Anchor Point .......................................................................................................................................  伍戈 Ge Wu 15

    迎接资本市场的繁荣周期 Embrace the New Cycle of the Capital Market .......................................................................................  吴雅楠 Yanan Wu  20
    金融危机后大型金融机构整体框架结构分析 An Analysis of the Framework of Large Financial Institutions After the Financial Crisis..   李祥林 David Li  26

    中国基金业的机会与挑战 Opportunities and Challenges for the Chinese Fund Management Industry ................................................. 朱雀基金 Rosefinch  31
    在疫情冲击下的中国目标、态势、挑战与机遇 China’s Goals, Trends, Challenges and Opportunities In the Epidemic ............................. 贾康 Kang Jia  39

                                                Featured Authors / 本期专栏作者

     Editorial Board                                             Article Requirements

     编辑委员会                                                           1.  All manuscripts must be original or have written
                                                                        authorization from the original author

     Ti Wang 王体(本期轮值总编)                                              2.  Author's name, institute or company name
     Daju Gu 顾大局                                                     3.  Contributions are at your own risk. This journal has the

     Emily Gu 顾怡                                                        right to delete and/or correct the manuscripts once

     Yicent Chen 陈益龙                                                    accepted. If you do not agree to delete, please declare it at
                                                                        the initial submission
     Yanan Wu 吴雅楠                                                    4.  This journal is not for profit. All submissions are
                                                                        considered as donation to CCFA

     Advisory Committee


                                                                     1.  所有来稿必须是原作或得到原作者的书面授权许可
     Kang Jia 贾康                                                     2.  作者真实姓名,机构或供职的公司全名

                                                                     3.  来稿文责自负。本刊对采用的稿件有删改权,不同
     Bruce McGuire, Co-CEO, Greenwich Business Institute                意删改者,请在来稿中申明

     Greenwich Economic Forum                                        4.  本刊为非卖品。所有来稿均为对本会的无稿酬的支

     David X. Li 李祥林,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院中国金融

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